Monday, July 04, 2005

Video Taped Lesson

I watched a video of a lesson I taught, one which happened to be the same day I was formally observed. After watching the video (a somewhat unnatural feeling), I discovered several positive and negative characteristics in my teaching.
When I discussed my formal observation with Dr. Sullivan, I didn't really understand some of the things he was telling me. However, after watching the video, I can see some things to do better in the future. Dr. Sullivan told me I didn't walk around enough in the classroom. While it would have been a distraction to the students (the room was too crowded to really walk around) if I had walked during the question/answer and lecture portions, I can see a period during which I should have walked more. When I had students do work at their desks, I should have walked to make sure they were 1) on task and 2) understanding the assignment. While hindsight is 20-20, I will try to do better in the future.
Also, I noticed a weakness that I already knew about. I was a bit nervous at first (I'm usually nervous in front of crowds--hopefully teaching will help), but I really have no reason to be nervous. This is an issue that only has one answer--more practice. I am confident about the material, it's just that I am one of the most shy (shyest?) people I know. Oh well, I will work to get over it.
I did notice some strengths in my teaching. While I didn't ask for hand raising, I maintained control of the class as students participated (I got counted off for the no hand raising on my observation, but I guess when in Rome you have to do how the Romans want you to). Anyway, I still consider this style a strength because it promotes my being a facilitator instead of a dictator. The students are more comfortable and likely to participate. I understand that if I cannot control the class, hand raising is a class management style that is effective. I just don't think there is only one way of being effective in the classroom. (We discussed hand raising in my Second Language Acquisition class this spring, and the professor felt the way I do). I guess I don't really have a choice--at least right now.
Overall, I saw strengths and areas that need work. I look forward to seeing another video taped lesson later, as I hope to improve significantly.


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